Information was supplied from an employee to our client in Manchester stating that the nightshift was stealing product out of the warehouse. 14 years of experience has shown that is best not to …
Prevent and Disrupt Dishonest Employees Before You Have To Detect Them
In this months newsletter I want you to consider the diverse range of employee dishonesty that can take place in the workplace. We will usually think of theft and fraud, we think of an employee …
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False Absenteeism
Often, false absenteeism is based around finance where an employee is either found involved with secondary employment, running a business or being involved in supporting a family …
Can You Afford Dishonest Employees?
Welcome to this months newsletter, where I want to highlight the reputational and financial risk of employees stealing your data. Whilst rarely investigated as a criminal offence the impact can …
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Theft Of Data
Two senior members of a Liverpool construction company, our client, both submitted letters of resignation within a short period of time. Both employees received substantial salaries, one of £85,00 and …
Target Hardening
Target hardening is generally created by assessing the situational crime prevention methods that are in place in a location: your business or home. In simplistic terms: your belts, bolts, braces and …