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I’m one of the country’s leading experts on tackling employee dishonesty…
I spent thirteen and a half years in the police service, where I specialised in field intelligence. And what I noticed when it came to commercial theft and fraud was a lack of understanding around the issue. So, I established Expert Investigations, and for over twenty years I have made it my mission to gather the necessary evidence for my clients, securing several convictions that lead to custodial sentences. I’m proud to be regarded by many in the legal and commercial sectors as the go-to when resolving issues of dishonest employees.
But investigating at the point where businesses suspect dishonesty is a little like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. Which is why I’ve made it my mission to educate businesses on where their employees will be dishonest, and how you can disrupt and prevent those activities before you need to detect them.
A quick note from me to thank you for yesterday’s course on fraud awareness. I’ve already had three thank yous for putting them on the course. The triangle of fraud has given them a tool to promote fraud awareness and the examples provide tangible areas of risk management that can be translated to their own areas. Hopefully we can use this as the start of reinforcing our culture and honing our procedures.
The Process
In my experience, businesses find it easier to close their eyes to the reality of dishonest employees. That’s if they’re even aware that elements of dishonesty exist within their organisation in the first place.
It is vital that the insider threat should tackled be at boardroom and senior management level. Stopping dishonest employees needs to be a top-down approach, representing a complete shift in your businesses’ mindset. And my three-tiered process is exactly what you need to get started.

Through my own experiences, I have developed an understanding about how to recognise employee dishonesty, and how you can begin to prevent and disrupt them.
‘Blind’ Camper
An allegation of constructive dismissal and disciplinary discrimination was made against a College of Further Education by a former lecturer. He claimed that the…
Why SMEs Are The Most Vulnerable To Employee Theft And Fraud
Less than one and five businesses have ever performed fraud risk assessment The Fraud Advisory Panel states: Businesses themselves could do much more to…
Continue Reading Why SMEs Are The Most Vulnerable To Employee Theft And Fraud
Theft Of Product
Information was supplied from an employee to our client in Manchester stating that the nightshift was stealing product out of the warehouse. 14 years…