The Process
Businesses and organisations close their eyes to the reality of dishonest employees.
You may not even know that elements of dishonesty exist within your organisation. But they do, and the problem should be tackled at boardroom and senior management level.
I can help you prevent and disrupt dishonest employees before you have to detect them. I recommend a three tiered approach, which you can read all about below…
Tiers, not tears…
Board Room and Senior Management Seminar
This is the starting point. As a board member or senior manager, you need to understand the vulnerabilities present in your organisation. Once you understand your vulnerability, then you can act on it.
The seminar is an interactive presentation and workshop which will cover aspects of theft, fraud, theft of data, breach-of-contract, false absenteeism, bribery and corruption and HR related issues such as drugs or alcohol, harassment and bullying in the workplace.
The boardroom presentation highlights how and why employees will be dishonest. The workshop will give you a practical insight into how you can detect, disrupt and prevent when the need arises. Managing your risk might well save your business.
Gap Analysis
Following a board and senior management seminar, you will understand how the vast majority of businesses and organisations of every size and type are vulnerable to theft, fraud and other threats from the actions of dishonest employees, including your own.
The next step is for me to conduct a gap analysis to assess your specific vulnerability on a daily basis and highlight where your current weaknesses lie. I can help shape the prevention measures which will disrupt dishonest employees from having the opportunity to do so in the workplace.
The result will be a reduction in the potential for both financial loss and reputational damage.
The strongest line of defence in effective risk control and management will always be the people within your organisation. In conjunction with the specialist gap analysis, I offer an internal training course.
The course will educate delegates on how to conduct and control simple investigations, utilising interview and statement taking methods. It will provide you with the skills you need to gather, preserve and present your evidence correctly, putting you in the strongest position possible for any disciplinary, civil or criminal processes.
This course is designed to help everyone, from board level down, play an active role in threat prevention, representing an important long-term investment in the health of your organisation. I also offer additional investigation support through Expert Investigations.
Let’s Talk
Put a stop to dishonest employees within your business.